Sunday 26 July 2009

Magazine Blues

Here`s a fact that occurs to me every now and then .
If I could have back all the money I`ve spent on bike and car magazines over the last24 years , I could probably afford the vehicles on my often changing wish list (currently pining for an early swingarm 6T and a fifties F100). But ,of course , it`s the magazines that fuel the want and without one the other may not exist .
While I`m talking mags , here`s a gripe . When I read an article about a bike , I want to see at least one shot of it slab on from the side , you can have all the artsy close ups of stuff you like , but that`s the angle I want ,because it`s the only way to get a feel for how it sits and it`s proportions.
Anyone want to buy some old magazines?


  1. I hate magazines, I really do.
    Part of it is my ever-growing disdain for mass media, part of it is rooted the same as my hatred for corporate radio.
    Between the advertising & "How-to's" on what to do with the advertiser's products, the commercials just never freakin' end.
    (Sometimes I really wish I was "holed up" in a bunker somewhere)

  2. Richie , I share your hatred of commercialism , but there are a few titles out there who don`t seem to just be doing it for the bucks .
    I think there`s a nice irony to the fact that while the internet has severely cut the readership of the more commercial mags , it`s also allowed the proper rootsy stuff, produced by enthusiasts , to flourish .
    But, Radio ? Don`t get me started !

  3. Hi There,

    I've just started up a blog all about all different types of mopeds,
    dedicated to helping new riders get more for their money and not getting
    ripped off and would really appreciate it if you would consider a link

    My site is called The Moped Spot: "A site
    dedicated to everything moped."

    Please let me know if you're interested,


  4. Here is my biggest gripe.... when i see a picture of a nice bike in a mag... I want the tits behind it, not in front obscuring the view....Keep the birds behind the bike.... or publish them in Porn mags and be done with it....

  5. Dave , thanks for your interest , I actually already have one `Moped` in the link list (???), I hope one day he`s gonna revive the Gasketpants blog .I actually thought you were him winding me up ! Good luck with the site.

  6. Rowan , I couldn`t agree with you more , I understand how a model on the cover helps to sell a mag , but it`s so frustrating when they`re in the way of a bracket or a detail you want to see . Personally I could live without `models` in bike mags.
    Here`s another beef ; If your going to have a spec sheet , make sure the info is correct !
    I`ve seen features where a tyre is quoted as a certain size , but in the pictures you can see the writing that says something else . People who build customs are obssessive about this stuff , they will notice !

  7. Aub... dont start me on miss information...... she's the mother of all fuck-ups
