Rowan was kind enough to provide some background shots of the ES2 build , if you haven`t read the initial `Black Cherry` post , go back and read it first , or this won`t make much sense.
The bottom picture is the same bike in an earlier incarnation , different front end and a host of other details .
Above that is the frame after modification , being prepped for paint ,you can really see the duplex conversion and the kinked rail (to accomodate the exhaust port) in this one.
At the top , we see that Rowan didn`t waste the left over parts when he built the final version , they all went on this raked 6T chopper , Rowan , you were way ahead of your time with recycling !
If you like Rowans builds and you want to see more , Benny Boneshaker has some other stuff on his DTFP blog , go check it out , you won`t be disappointed !
thanks for the kind words.... i think people take bike building much too seriously nowadays... we were just having fun... if you upgraded a part you could guarentee the old part would end up on something else.... no evilbay helped actually