Friday, 2 October 2009

More Megacycle

I`ve been enjoying the pictures Stretch from Nostalgia on Wheels took of the (recently restored and auctioned) Ed Roth Megacycle and Hauler over on the Show and Go Cycle Shop site . So when he offered me some of the pics Show and Go didn`t use , I couldn`t say yes quick enough .
Thanks a lot Stretch.


  1. I was gonna ask you why it doesn't have a Bates seat, Model A tail light or a handshift but I can't.
    It's way too awesome for wiseassedness.
    Say, is that The Druid Princess in the background?

  2. You are most welcome! Very nicely displayed on your blog too!

  3. Richie , you forgot the inverted clubman bars ! I think that is the Druid Princess .
    Thanks a lot guys .

  4. Oh god!
    How could I have forgotten those?!?!
    "Hey, it'd be super Kool and far out neat-o if the grips were below the tank!
    Shoot me.
