Oz`s bike (the rigid chopper ) looks like it may be an older build , which has been given a makeover in the smooth and chunky late eighties style.
The pre unit Triumph motor in the stretched and raked BSA frame is classic English chopper material .

Neil`s orange Streetracker is a total contrast .I could live without the rearsets , but otherwise this is a great Bitza hooligan machine .
Love the seat unit and that`s a great colour for a bike like this .

I`d have to change a heap of stuff on Oz`s bike if it was mine , but back in`92 mag wheels and psuedo HD styling were very much `in`.

Thunderbirds look great in any build style.
I think Ginge ( who gets mentioned in the first line of the article) might be the same bloke who built the 45" in a BSA previously featured here.
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