Wednesday, 30 September 2009

1956 T110 Road Test

The Ton Ten , complete with new fangled rear suspension . The Bonneville is still three years away at this point , so if you wanted a hot rod Triumph , this was the one .
Love the 8" front brake with air scoops.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Roths Megacycle/Megahauler Restored

This post is just a straight cut and paste job , I make no apologies for that .
If you have any interest in the roots of custom culture or historic Brit bike customs , follow the links in my recommended reading bar to Nostalgia on Wheels and Show and Go Cycle shop .

Friday, 25 September 2009

Japanese Triumph Dealership

How come every other country got the cool `export` handlebars , but Britain didn`t ?

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Black Cherry ~Reprise

Rowan was kind enough to provide some background shots of the ES2 build , if you haven`t read the initial `Black Cherry` post , go back and read it first , or this won`t make much sense.
The bottom picture is the same bike in an earlier incarnation , different front end and a host of other details .
Above that is the frame after modification , being prepped for paint ,you can really see the duplex conversion and the kinked rail (to accomodate the exhaust port) in this one.
At the top , we see that Rowan didn`t waste the left over parts when he built the final version , they all went on this raked 6T chopper , Rowan , you were way ahead of your time with recycling !
If you like Rowans builds and you want to see more , Benny Boneshaker has some other stuff on his DTFP blog , go check it out , you won`t be disappointed !

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Japanese customs

Variations on a theme ~ I like it .

Friday, 18 September 2009

Black Cherry ~Another Bite

Some nice detail shots this time ;
The Simpson helmet Rowan painted to match his Norton , still looking great 30 odd years later !
Velocity stack with really nice engraving of British biker hero Ogri , also by the man himself.
Finally , lovely close up shot of that ES2 , I`m loving the moulding round the headstock and that kinked downtube to accomodate the Norton exhaust port .

Show Skware

Chevy spotlight , springers and a showstand made from a dentists chair#


Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Black Cherry

Another one built by our 1970s correspondant , Rowan.
Love this little ES2 chop , it gives a real insight into how parts were mixed and matched , back in the days before old bikes became classic bikes .
I know there`s a Triumph picture in there too ,but it was too nice to take out.
Check out the lovely paintwork and that tasteful sissy bar and fork combo.

Some Specs;

1948 ES2 500cc taken to 600cc using wiseco drop forged series high comp piston
Triumph Hardtail frame welded and extended at rear... one of the front frame downtubes was kinked to take the single exhaust
Mk I Amal
Triumph 4 speed (thunderbird) gearbox and clutch
Norton old tin hoover band style Primary
Sprung Hub... oops
4" single drum on 21"-1'75 rim front.. another oooopps
Jammer 12" over Girders... 5º kick out on legs
Sprung Solo, P Pad, fat bob R fender, cats eye rear, bates 5" head
risers and drags
bay area sissy and harley sidestand... eventually had a fishtail but not in this picture
self mixed 'Black Cherry' using various metalflake candys over black base... gold leaf... and lots and lots of crystal clear

Rowan , I think you`ve probably forgotten more about trad choppers than I`ll ever know .

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Sunday, 13 September 2009


Triumph T110 , `67 style.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Who needs a sprung seat....

...when you`ve got a sprung hub?

Cool as found period custom `51 Thunderbird .
I like the way the skinnier than stock front tyre changes the stance .

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

`Hessian Dirtbag`

Saturday, 5 September 2009


`69 in Trackmaster frame

`Turned 85 on his rear wheel`

That must have been some birthday !

Thursday, 3 September 2009

`Hippie Love Weed `

Get Late !