Saturday 31 January 2009

Old Stuff.

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This is me circa nineteen eighty something.
I bought this scooter from Louis Wigget , who was in a garage band called Thee Wylde Things. The bike was a 150 Super and was utterly factory standard , this was almost unheard of amongst my circle of friends , I seem to remember having to fight the urge to Matt Black it .
I bought it to use while my P200E was off the road for me to respray it , at the time two wheeled transport was all I had.


  1. I`m ashamed to say the only 2 wheeler I have currently is my `worlds longest mock up` Triumph and that`s in a state of unroadworthiness . Wouldn`t mind another scooter , although I haven`t had one for about 14 years.

  2. Haha. I feel your pain.

    Cool scooter pic.
