I`ve got this tank up for sale , comes with a tap and a cap .
I`ve included a couple of vintage ads showing very similar tanks . The older ad is pinched from the Show and Go blog and shows this style tank available from Cosmopolitan Motors in 1961 , they were importers (to the USA ) of italian exotica like Gran Turismo grips , Ceriani forks and Borrani rims .
The other ad is pinched from Nostalgia on Wheels and shows the same tanks being sold by Chicago Cycle Supply in the late sixties .
If you like vintage custom stuff , you realy should be reading Nostalgia.o.W and Show and Go , they`re both excellent and both linked in my recommended reading list .
I`ve also included a picture of Mark Drews bike running this style tank (pinched from Greasy Kulture magazine , also excellent , also in the reading list ).
The tank has a couple of dings in the top and a craptacular paintjob ! Please e.mail me for more pics and info . Also note , this tank is pretty small , I am happy to provide exact dimensions on request , so please don`t buy it and then ask for a refund because it won`t work out for your stroker Shovelhead tourer project.!